Angels Haven

This is a display of my drawings and watercolor paintings. Please leave a comment

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Lesson 4 - Finished painting

Wow, with all we learned in Lesson 4 it was really hard to settle on what ideas I found to be the most useful and interesting. Everything we learned was great. Finally, I decided I would like to try incorporating people in a painting. This is a picture of "French Beach Provincial Park", on the southern end of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. A little girl is looking in the water for treasures and the other two figures are looking for rocks. Posted by Picasa

Painting Flowers - still Lesson 4

I saw a picture of this lily in the 'Our Canada' book and thought it was gorgeous. I don't know what it's name is, but I will go lily-hunting and try to find one for my garden. I hope my painting captures its beauty. Posted by Picasa

Putting animals, birds and people in your picture

Hopefully, I will eventually be able to put these forms in one of my pictures. Posted by Picasa

Lesson Four - Exercise 6

Lesson Four was the greatest! I painted three rocks that I found out in the yard. It was great fun and I hope they look like rocks! Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 17, 2006

Lesson Three

When we traveled to Alaska we took many pictures of beautiful mushrooms that were growing in the campground at Anchorage. These four mushrooms were growing together as I have painted them. I used thumbnail sketches to put them in different compositions and decided they looked great positioned to the right of the picture. I painted the background mottled to suggest leaves and greenery, but wanted the mushrooms, in their glorious color, to be first and foremost.
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